Sunday, October 01, 2006


We would like to welcome you to this first and new blogsite for the Ferndale church of Christ. It is our hope and prayer that you will come back often and visit us. This blog is being started with the intention of you telling about who we are and why we're here. We welcome all comments but ask that they be made in a courteous and decent manner.
Joe Chappel, evangelist


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Suggest Link (save/share)....

As you know, Bible prophecy is a massive research effort.

The author has helpfully examined end-time prophecy carefully and
presented it within a summary conclusion that gives the bottom-line to
Jesus teachings re the end-times of this world (which reveals that
Hal Lindsey does not understand the New Covenant).

Equal rights for men and women came from the institution of the NewCovenant

If you have entire EndTime article... evidence is provided within
historical/Biblical accuracy re both the world events re end-time
prophecy and the creation of present-day Israel (notice that it is not
Biblical to teach that present-day Israel....has anything to do with
end-time prophecy).

Bookmark-You can find it again (as long as it's on the net).
Print It-You will have it in your paper library
Copy It: You'll have it in your computer

Thank you.

Helpful link...

Author's email on pages..

1:48 PM  

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